Team Level UP
T. Erin Gruber
Co-Curator, Project Manager, Event Host
The idea for this Symposium grew out of a critical need which became immediately obvious within our community in the first months following the initial closure of theatres nationwide as COVID-19 came to Canada in February of 2020 AND from meaningful conversations I was able to have with my peers on the Associated Designers of Canada board and both member and non-member designers who attended our workshops and peer groups online in the summer of 2020. I became amazed at how few felt they had access to an understanding of how digital tools could be, or were already, present in the theatre world. Why didn’t we have a venue where we could access the existing leaders in our own community in this critical and vibrant area of specialization and artistic exploration? The spark for these four weeks of events came from that desire for connection, but we couldn’t have achieved this event without the support of a dozen dedicated volunteers and more than 50 dedicated artists willing to share their intrepid spirit and personal creative fire with their whole community. Thank you to everyone who has made LEVEL UP possible and especially to all those who are attending and building that community of support which will sustain so many of us moving forward in our work.
Andrew Scriver
Co-Curator, Artist Liason, Website Developer, Event Host
Why does it feel so often that we are re-inventing the wheel—long before the pandemic started and even now? How do we as a community continue to create while being unable to be together—and what is theatre without that social connection? The desire to share, to learn together and become more skilled as a community, to lift each other up, is tantamount to my aims as a creator and designer—these goals strengthened by the hardships put about by the pandemic and the stuttering of our industry. Looking back on the start of 2020 I still find it hard to believe this is where I am, among such an amazing group of artists and thinkers. The dedication to craft and creativity is inspiring on a daily basis. I am beyond thankful for this opportunity, to be here sharing and learning all the presenters, volunteers, attendees, and of course my co-curators.
You folks rock.
Emily Soussana
Co-Curator, Technical Director, Graphic Design, Event tech
While the current pandemic may have accelerated the process, theatre has long been entranced with innovation and new technological systems but the rate of technological progress doesn’t always match the rate of artistic discourse and often this is because of the tech itself! Knowledge of how these technological systems work has often served as a gatekeeper in conversations between those who utilize the tech and other members of the theatrical community. It was very important to the three of us that when we created this symposium we created a place for conversations to happen across fields and across technological skill levels. These are topics that we as video designers often converse about but rarely get to share with other disciplines and without discourse how can we as a creative team create theatre that is informed, integrated, and dramaturgically sound? I am immensely proud of what we’ve achieved and listening to the presenters and participants dive into these discussions is continually inspiring. Working on this symposium is not an opportunity I could have anticipated a year ago and one that I am incredibly grateful for. Thank-you to our tremendously hard working volunteers, our fantastic slate of presenters and to all of our participants, who have embraced Level UP with such openness and engagement.
Patrick Peachey Higdon
Technical Support, Graphic Design
Megan Koshka
Marketing and Social Media
Scott Penner
Marketing and Social Media
Ken Mackenzie
Kimberly Purtell
Vice President
Simon Rossiter
Rachel Forbes
Joanna Yu
Michelle Ramsay
Mishelle Cuttler
T. Erin Gruber
Conor Moore
Richard Feren
ian Garrett